- Malaysia Acupuncture Treatment and Herbal treatment |
Autistic Kids, AUTISM ALTERNATIVE Treatment BY MALAYSIA Chinese Master's NEURO ACUPUNCTURE HERBAL treatment |
Autistic Kids, Autism ALTERNATIVE -Treatment:- The real reason is still not clear but MALAYSIA Chinese Master has the research on the over does of Folic Acid in the early pregnancy. If you look at the latest statistic on how the folic acid consumption growth, then you will know how the Autism kids statistic growth. Isolated in worlds of their own, people with autism appear indifferent and remote and are unable to form emotional bonds with others. Although people with this baffling brain disorder can display a wide range of symptoms and disability, many are incapable of understanding other people's thoughts, feelings, and needs. Often, language and intelligence fail to develop even to fully, making communication and social relationships difficulty. Many people with autism engage in repetitive activities, like rocking or banging their heads, or rigidly following familiar patterns in their everyday routines cannot change their routine. Some are painfully sensitive to sound, touch, sight, or smell. They may also scare of certain thing or types of people, dislikes of certain things.
Children with autism do not follow the typical patterns of child development. In some children, hints of future problems may be apparent from birth. In most cases, the problems become more noticeable as the child slips farther behind other children the same age. Other children start off well enough. But between 18 and 36 months old, they suddenly reject people, act strangely, and lose language and social skills they had already acquired. Some may knows how to talk and play but after a while they lost their ability and also developed all these autism symptoms.
As a parent or teacher you may know the frustration of trying to communicate and connect with children or adults who have autism. You may feel ignored as they engage in endlessly repetitive and or aggressive behaviors. You may despair at the bizarre ways they express their inner feelings. And you may feel sorrow that your hopes and dreams for them may never materialize.
But there is help-and hope. Gone are the days when people with autism were isolated, typically sent away to institutions. Today, many youngsters can be helped to attend school with other children. MALAYSIA Chinese Master has treatment programmed available to help improve you autism kids' social, language, and academic skills others can even live a life within the sociality.
Autism is found in every country and region of the world, and in families of all racial, ethnic, religious, and economic backgrounds but maybe lower in some under developed country. Emerging in childhood, it affects about 3 or 4 people in every thousand (in 2002 report) and is three to four times more common in boys than girls. Girls with the disorder, however, tend to have more severe symptoms and stubbornness.
MALAYSIA Chinese Master's way of Herbal Medicine and Neuro Acupuncture treatment/Treatment is dedicated to understanding the workings and inter-relationships of the various regions of the brain, and to developing preventive measures and new treatments for disorders like autism that handicap people in school, work, and social relationships and brain damage or even vegetable brain condition. Autism Kids have been coming from many parts of the world to come for intensive treatment in Malaysia.
Up-to-date information on autism and treatment result for autistic is the role of Malaysia Chinese Master in identifying underlying causes and effective treatments are available in :
Also described are symptoms and diagnostic procedures, treatment options, strategies for coping, and sources of information and support. MALAYSIA Chinese Master's WAY OF ALTERNATIVE MEDICATION HAVE GOOD EFFECTIVENESS FOR IMPROVEMENT ON AUTISTIC KIDS and very high result for brain problems and Brain's complications. Some autistic kids is now living a normal life some with extra ordinary IQ and special talent, all these parents did not expect their kids to be as normal as they are now, they were trying to improve them in their daily living, so now are very happy!!!!!.
Each AUTISTIC kid is not the same, different in a few or more conditions and also recovery Treatment condition, also lever and rate of recovery with ALTERNATIVE MEDICATION.
1. Autism Autistic Kids qualitative impairment in social interaction, as manifested by at least two of the following:
- (a) autism Impairment in the use of multiple non-verbal behaviors such as eye-to-eye gaze, facial expression, body postures, and gestures to regulate social interaction.
- (b) autism Failure to developed relationships appropriate to developmental level.
- (c) autism lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment, interests, or achievements with other people (e.g., by a lack of showing, bringing, or pointing out objects of interest).
- (d) autism kids Lack of social or emotional response.
2. Autism qualitative impairments in communication as manifested by at least one of the following:
- (a) Delay in, or total lack of, the development of spoken language (not accompanied by an attempt to compensate through alternative modes of communication such as gestures or mime).
- (b) Without adequate speech, marked impairment by in the ability to initiate or sustain a conversation with others.
- (c) Repetitive use of language or words or phases.
- (d) Lack of varied, spontaneous make-believe play or social imitative play appropriate to developmental level.
3.Autism restricted repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests, and activities, as manifested by at least one of the following:
- (a) autism encompassing preoccupation with one or more stereotyped patterns of interest that is abnormal either in intensity or focus.
- (b) autism apparently inflexible adherence to specific, nonfunctional routines or rituals.
- (c) stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms (e.g., hand or finger flapping or twisting, or complex whole-body movements or with an object).
- (d) autism persistent of liking an object, movements with sound.
4. Delays or abnormal functioning in at least one of the following areas,
with onset around 2 and half of age to 3 and half years old:
- (1) social interaction,
- (2) language as used in social communication, or
- (3) symbolic or imaginative play (playing or talking some form of outer space words or cartoon's words or play
Symptoms of Asperger's include: impaired ability to utilize social cues such as body language, irony, or other subtext of communication; restricted eye contact and socialization; limited range of encyclopedic interests; preservative, odd behaviors; didactic, verbose, monotone, droning voice; concrete thinking; over-sensitivity to certain stimuli; and unusual movements.
All these are the symptom of autism and MALAYSIA Chinese Master has the treatment for these entire problem. You have to spend enough time for the intensive treatment in order to get good result; it varies from 1 month to 6 months or more for intensive treatment (remedies, remedy).
Some of the AUTISTIC kids that is difficult to get near to 90% Treatment is that they started late on themselves more then 11 years old for some, and others are too stubborn, but they still gets major improvement about 80-90% or so until they can get easy living in their life.
--: Malaysia Chinese Master Autistic Kids, AUTISM ALTERNATIVE treatment - RESEARCH BY MALAYSIA Chinese Master's NEURO ACUPUNCTURE HERBAL ALTERNATIVE treatment |
Many more to be written from past history patients, soon Many has 3 inone conditions which is Autism, Epilepsy and Brain Damage also possible to get recovery.
There are many researches on autism but none of them has much result, we can ensure them about inhabitation- NO.
Autism kids do not just need training or only medicine they need MALAYSIA Chinese Master's herbal medicine way to get them out of Autism.
Over the recent years we have seen more than many cases, off cause some of them did not complete their treatment. All of them improved from the day they came, they open up their door and a-line those to come out off the enclosed world of their own. There is NO point training them without getting them OUT OF THEIR ENCLOSED WORLD.
The younger they start the faster and better change of getting better recovery.
Many Kids that have come form US, London, Pakistan, Korea, Singapore, UK, Africa, India, Bangladesh, Malicious Island, Denmark etc, all over the world.
If kids cannot come in soon enough, then MALAYSIA Chinese Master will prescript some herbal brain powder first until they can come for the treatment, and also many do gets improved from just the brain herbal powder.
A lot of the kids improved so much that they decided to just continue with the herbs a lone.
ADHD often prevents children from learning and socializing well. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD) refers to a range of problem behaviors associated with poor attention span. These may include impulsiveness, restlessness and hyperactivity, as well as inattentiveness, and often prevent children from learning and socializing well. ADHD is sometimes referred to as hyper kinetic disorder. What are the symptoms of ADHD.
Attention difficulties
A child must have exhibited at least six of the following symptoms for at least six months to an extent that is unusual for their age and level of intelligence.
Fails to pay close attention to detail or makes careless errors during work or play.
Fails to finish tasks or sustain attention in play activities.
Seems not to listen to what is said to him or her.
Fails to follow through instructions or to finish homework or chores (not because of confrontational behavior or failure to understand instructions).
Disorganized about tasks and activities.
Avoids tasks like homework that require sustained mental effort.
Loses things necessary for certain tasks or activities, such as pencils, books or toys.
Easily distracted.
Forgetful in the course of daily activities.
A child must have exhibited at least three of the following symptoms for at least six months to an extent that is unusual for their age and level of intelligence.
Runs around or excessively climb over things.
Unduly noisy in playing, or has difficulty in engaging in quiet leisure activities.
Leaves seat in classroom or in other situations where remaining seated is expected.
Fidgets with hands or feet or squirms on seat.
At least one of the following symptoms must have persisted at least for six months to an extent that is unusual for their age and level of intelligence.
Blurts out answers before the questions have been completed. Fails to wait in lines or wait turns in games or group situations. Interrupts or intrudes on others, e.g. jump into others conversations or games.
Talks excessively without appropriate response to social restraint.
Pervasiveness of attention difficulties and hyperactivity.
For a diagnosis or description of ADHD a child would be expected to show the above difficulties in more than one setting, e.g. at school and at home.
Problems are not shown 'at home' but are very evident when a child goes to a hospital department. This can happen when parents do not realize that their child's behavior is out of the normal range (perhaps because they have no other children, or they have other children who behave similarly). It may also be because the problems are mild, or because the family has handled the attention lack at home in such a way that it is not evident there is a major problem, or because the child is very young. In those cases it is quite reasonable for parents not to consider that their child has an attention deficit problem. Many start to realize when their kids starts school. The school may call them a few times each week to complain about their kids behaviour, then the parents start to get advise and knows that they have a special kid.
These conditions has a good chance to be treated, it will take time and effort to do it. MALAYSIA Chinese Master's way of remedies for them is not easy and tedious, the good part is it works with many of the special kids. All of them improved with intensive treatment, some gets treated totally.
Some adults that just have ADHD should be able to recovers too with Remedies.
Chinese Master's Brain Powder Autism ADHD Treatment for all special kids Treatment.
Chinese Master's Neuro Brain Powder Herbal is effective for regenerating the brain's cells (neurons) to get connected to each other so that the brain cells can function normally to get them OUT OF THEIR OWN WORLD.
It is to help in their eye contact, hyper activeness, awareness of the surrounding, behavior and attention etc.
The herbal brain is to be taken for 2 to 3 times a day with liquid. There are many that have improved just using brain powder.
There are quite a few different types of Brain powder so please let us know your kids conditions and fill in form for the correct Brain Powder.